2010-07-16 - Lady Bird Lake Loop


10+ miles @ ~10.2 min/mi

Navigation is shoddy as I drive my Mother's car down to the reservoir formerly known as "Town Lake", renamed a few years ago for Lady Bird Johnson, to run the loop trail. From Pleasant Valley Rd I turn onto Cesar Chavez and then take Comal Av down to the waterfront, park, and set off shortly after 7am. This time I go counter-clockwise, the opposite direction circuits in past years, around the lake. Dozens of runners meet me, as do walkers with and without dogs. Before two miles the shirt is starting to chafe my chest so I take it off and wrap it around one hand. GPS says 10:11 min/mi for 10.1 mi, with splits 10:08 + 10:04 + 10:03 + 10:17 + 10:06 + 10:36 + 10:30 + 10:14 + 10:13 + 9:43 + 0:54 for final 0.10 mile.

(cf. 2006-07-08 - Town Lake Loop, 2009-07-18 - Austin Town Lake Loop, ...) - ^z - 2010-07-28